GRS is a B company

Discover how our B certification propels us towards being a company with a triple impact - sustainable, responsible, and committed to creating positive outcomes for our planet and its people.

What is a B Corporation?

A B Corporation, or B company, is a business that is committed to creating a positive impact on society and the environment, transcending the traditional focus on financial performance alone. To be recognized as a B company, an organization must undergo thorough and periodic evaluations by B Lab, a nonprofit organization that leads the global B Corporation movement. These evaluations assess the company’s practices across various domains, including governance, employee relations, customer impact, community involvement, and environmental stewardship, ensuring a holistic approach to responsible business.

Why are we a B company?

By achieving B certification, we join a network of more than 3.000 companies around the world that share our commitment of maximizing positive impact, fostering transparency and collaboration with all stakeholders.
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B impact assessment score

GRS achieved a score of 111.3, significantly surpassing the average score of 50.9 for our peers. This high score reflects our commitment to social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.