We are at the forefront of sustainability consulting and offering parametric and insurance solutions that drive value creation and advances sustainable business practices.

Sustainability and
climate change consulting

We empower your organization to recognize, manage and articulate environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities that are pivotal to your operations. Our expertise seamlessly integrates these factors into your strategic business and risk management frameworks.

Our comprehensive services include:

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In an era where extreme weather events are becoming increasingly common, the financial stability of your business can be significantly affected. These events pose risks to your revenue, expenditures, assets, and even your brand’s reputation. Our parametric solutions are designed to mitigate these risks effectively.
Utilizing objective indices, such as rainfall levels or temperature fluctuations, we facilitate the efficient transfer of climate-related risks. Our offerings include tailor-made parametric coverage for industries including agriculture, energy, tourism, and construction. Each solution is carefully crafted to meet your unique requirements, ensuring that your business remains resilient in the face of environmental uncertainties.

Insurance Solutions

The insurance industry plays a pivotal role in risk management and in steering the economy towards environmentally sustainable and socially responsible practices. We are at the forefront of offering innovative green insurance coverage that not only protects but also promotes the prevention and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Our pioneering policies extend to various domains, including automotive, residential, commercial property, construction, and general liability.
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